
Any Ideas?

     hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone would like to share with me some ideas to add to my bucket list. Feel free to comment and also feel free to use any of my ideas! 
     I was also wondering if anyone wanted me to discuss anything interesting? It has come to my attention that talking about my life isn't that interesting and i most definitely DON'T want to bore any of my readers so feel free to comment about any topics your interested. THANKS! Enjoy!

5 Interesting Facts About Jaguars

They are very, very lazy!

They also come in black!

Not one jaguar has the same pattern of spots!

They have no natural predators!

And they have the most powerful bite of all cats!

Enjoy! Please keep these beautiful cats protected!


Wednesday: "over the hump" (more on that later)

     Howdy! How was everybody's day? Mine was great. So I have braces and all so I had an ortho. appointment today. That's pretty much the only exciting thing other than the fact that WE ONLY HAVE 11 MORE SCHOOL DAYS LEFT! (not counting weekends, hence school days). That is pretty exciting to me because then i can start blogging about my achievements for my bucket list. Oh, i also have some bitter-sweet news! I am moving! This is big for me because we are only renting the house we are living in right now so owning the second house in my lifetime will be a milestone! 
    Anyway, have a great day! Enjoy!

Facts of the Day: 
1. It's against the law to catch fish with your bare hands in Kansas.
2. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. (Don't try this at home!)
3. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
4. Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet.


Tuesday or Monday?

Today is Tuesday right? cause going to school today totally felt like a Monday and kind threw everybody off too. Other than that today was pretty good, i don't think i have any homework in any of my classes except for one, math!:P Haha so i hope everybody's TUESDAY was good, and hope everybody had a nice Memorial Day too. Enjoy the rest of your summer-like afternoon!

Weird or What?:
1. It takes a lobster approximately seven years to grow to be one pound.
2. It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni, and about a gallon to clean the pot.
3. It was once against the law to slam your car door in a city in Switzerland.
4. It was once against the law to have a pet dog in a city in Iceland.


Music, Photos, and Mazes

Bonjour! I have made it my mission to not be bored today. So my day has been filled with music on a constant loop, pictures of random things, and finishing a maze that i have so faithfully completed. Comment if you can finish it! Enjoy!

Facts of the Day:
1. In England, in the 1880's, "Pants" were considered a dirty word.
2. In most advertisements, including newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.
3. In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no gravity, so the tears can't flow.
4. In the White House, there are 13,092 knives, forks and spoons.


On the road again?

Busy wouldn't be a very fair word to describe today. Uneventful, boring, lazy, yeah, that's more like it. All I have done today is go to church, come home and attempt to make a peanut butter-banana smoothie, wash and vacuum my dad's car, and upload pictures to my account. Doesn't sound very fun does it? Well hopefully in the next 2 house that will change because we(my family and cousins) might go to the beach and have dinner on the sand!! MAYBE!! So while I keep my fingers crossed you all have a better afternoon than me! ok? sounds good! ENJOY!

Fun Facts:
1. If NASA sent birds into space they would soon die; they need gravity to swallow.
2. If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4,950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
3. In 1980, a Las Vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die.
4. In every episode of "Seinfeld" there is a Superman somewhere.


I Floated!

So many of you have heard that i was going to be on a float today, and this morning, from 9:45-1:30, i was floating in the Western Day's Parade!! It was really fun, our floats were promoting Valley Center Community Church's VBS and some people from our church that were having a Sport Quest camp (visit the VCCC website to sign up your kids). I was dressed as a volleyball player and was handing out flyer and candy, and peppering with myself all during the 5 mile drive. It was tiring but really fun. I saw a LOT of people I know so it was pretty cool! Anyway hope very one had as much fun as I had so far today! God Bless!!

Facts of the Day:
1. Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks.
2. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
3. "I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
4. If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.


Back in the Day

holla! How was everybody's day? Hope it was a good one!! Today at my school we had the Renaissance Fair, where  we dressed up in long skirts and flowy shirts and went to different booths to see what it was like back in Queen Elizabeth I's time. It was fun...but it was RAINING. Well sprinkling but still, there was a wind and it was not one bit like a summer breeze. That's all for today! ENJOY!

Facts For Friday:
1. Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in 1918, by Charvles Jung.
2. Giraffes have no vocal cords.
3. Goethe couldn't stand the sound of barking dogs and could only write if he had an apple rotting in the drawer of his desk.
4. Honeybees have hair on their eyes.


Webs' you should visit!

Hi again, just was going to let ya'll know you should DEFINITELY visit the websites and so it is, and yours truly.  These are my sister's blogs... so yeah, check 'em out. Enjoy!

Wednesday and Thursday's Thoughts...

hey everyone, sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I was gone at a friends house after school and then i went to youth group. Youth group was fun because it was the end of the year party:( and we barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers. After we played a game where groups of 8-10 people stand in a circle with one person in the middle holding a cup of M&Ms. They through them to a person on the outside until they catch it in their mouth, then they move on to the next person. First one done wins! Well... we got... 5th place. But it was still fun:).

I have some exciting new! For me at least, I am going to be in the Western Days Parade!! The thing that is so exciting is that I have never been on a float let alone a parade. So it is going to be pretty fun. Today was boring at school, have a GREAT day guys, thank you for following me so far! love you ALL!!
                                                           -Cheyenne Smith <3

Facts for Today and Yesterday:
1. Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them,
used to burn their houses down - hence the expression "to get fired."
2. Did you know that there are coffee flavored PEZ?
3. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
4. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
5. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt."
6.Every person has a unique tongue print.
7. Every time Beethoven sat down to write music, he poured ice water over his head.
8. Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.


...Tuesday's only fair...

What's up reader's? Today i made decision that will change my life... for a week that is. I have given up processed sugar for a week and today was day one. Why you might ask? Because i came to my mom and complained about my "terrible" acne and how i wanted to rid of it forever! So she told me to give up sugar for a week and if that doesn't help, i could get proactive, or something that worked. so, Day 1: i have only eaten a hard boiled egg, apple slices, oranges, and corn nuts. i am actually kinda grumpy because i haven't eaten anything with no nutritional value. oh well, wish me luck and have an AWESOME rest of your day. 

Tuesday's thoughts:
1. Bubble gum contains rubber.
2. Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.
3. Cat's urine glows under a blacklight.
4. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.



Aaahhh... this hot weather makes me 1) drowsy 2) sweaty 3) longing to move into my own house with a private pool! and 4) want to go to the beach. This is torture... because I'M JUST A SUMMER GIRL! I WEAR MY FLIP FLOPS AND WHEN I LET MY HAIR DOWN, THAT'S WHEN THE PARTY STARTS AND WHO NEEDS A BOYFRIEND, I GOT MY GIRLFRIENDS, AND WHEN WE GET TOGETHER, THE SUMER NEVER ENDS!! hope everyone has had a great Monday and enjoy your night!!

Fun Facts:
I. Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under is cap to keep him cool. He changed it every 2 innings.
II. Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day.
III. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
IV. Blueberry Jelly Bellies were created especially for Ronald Reagan.


What Time Is It? SUMMER TIME!

Okay, this weather is totally not fair. it makes me want summer so bad! it is warm and the birds are chirping and i don't have any homework, and... it just isn't fair. School needs to end!

My Sunday is going smooth, just cleaned my room and chilling with the family:). Nothing more to it! Have a great morning and enjoy your evening! Enjoy!

Weird but True:
1. All porcupines float in water.
2. Almonds are a member of the peach family.
3. Almost a quarter of the land area of Los Angeles is taken up by automobiles.
4. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.



       Today, so far, has been the best day ever! We won our volleyball tournament, we were  undefeated in our poole.  We finished 8th in the gym out of 45 teams! Not the best, but a great way to finish off the season! Also in a couple of hours, i am going to the beach, wearing my new bathing suit! Can't wait because we are going to be playing beach volleyball and then going in the water. Today is great, hope everyone's is better! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

- Cheyenne <3

4 Interesting Facts you probably don't care about knowing:
1. A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee.
2. A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
3. A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans
4. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.



Can't wait to see this movie!

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite DAAY!

...Monday is a bummer, Tuesday's only fair, Wednesday's getting better, and Thursday's almost there! But Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite DAAY!!
    Happy Friday! Today was pretty boring but i am happy it is Friday! No homework this weekend and i'm off to go babysit! Saturday i have a volleyball game and after i am going to the... yep you guessed it... beach! Hope everyone has plans for this weekend because i have a feeling it will be a long one! Enjoy!

Facts For Friday:

- A jellyfish is 95 percent water.
- A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
- A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.


Rock Climbing

     Wednesday afternoon (yesterday) i went with my youth group to a rock climbing place. It was really fun but a great workout. the place had three circular rock climbing walls and there were about 20 different spots to climb. Climbing is something i am definitely going to do again, maybe during the summer.. (hint: summer bucket list) Anyway, i definitely recommend it, it is affordable, fun, and definitely a great workout. 
      Hope everyone's Thursday is going really well and enjoy the rest of your night! Thanks!

- Cheyenne Smith

Facts of the day:
      1. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die throughout the movie.
      2. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
      3. A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off.
      4. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
      5. A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.


Taco Tuesday!

  Whats up ya'll? Today was actually kind of an interesting day. We watched a video in PE, i got a bloody nose :(, it was my last practice for volleyball, and i don't have any homework... sorta. Just planning on hanging at home for the rest of the night and chill. Hope everyone has had an awesome Taco Tuesday! thanks! 

Quote for today:
"I noticed everyone that is for abortion has already been born."



I HATE MONDAYS! those three words come through my lips just about every monday of every week of every month. sure i get to go to a birthday party for my grandpa and eat hot dogs and cake but still, Mondays mean a WHOLE new week of homework, volleyball :), school, and boredom. And now that we only have 5 more Mondays left of school, i am really looking forward to summer because that means... FREEDOM! this summer is going to chalk-full of camps, beach, friends, and lists (bucket and chores). So i hope everyone is having a GREAT Monday, and start making plans people because summer is right around the corner!

2 Weird Facts of the Day:

- Butterflies taste with their feet.
- It is against the law to sing off-key in North Carolina


happy mother's day

hey guys.... been really busy lately so haven't been able to post recently. Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers put there! we are so thankful for all of your hard work. we are making my mom breakfast and homemade ice cream as a treat for all she has done. you all better be doing something for moms today! :) see ya!


Still Wednesday...

huhh... today has gone by really slow. and it hasn't been one of my best. i took the CST algebra 1 test for three hours in one classroom, talk about boredom! then i went to 4th period an did more algebra 1 and that completely fried my brain. then i went to fifth period and worked on a mothers day thing because my teacher was kind enough to realize we had been working all day long and were really tired. finally i went to sixth period, PE! it was gruesomely hot and unlike the boys who stayed inside and played volleyball, all us girls had to run a lap and then play basketball, handball, or walk the track. when school is finally over we are walking to the buses where i figure out i have left my phone in 5th period and won't be able to get it back till tomorrow unless someone took it out of the desk. when i get on the bus i am sweating like crazy and it was disgusting! then i get home after two long bus rides and i am locked out, i was supposed to go to my cousins house but i lost my phone so i didn't get the text that said i was supposed to. so i spend 2 hours at the neighbors which was probably the best part of my day because i got to hang out with one of the cutest 7 month year olds ever!

well i hope everyones day was a whole lot better than mine. talk to you soon.

                      peace and love,



Hope everyone had a good monday! Mine was pretty eventful... we went to breakfast first thing this morning, came back and hung out at the pool, then everyone packed up and went to a movie and dinner to finish off the night!

goodnight! <3


This Summer

okay, so unlike last summer, i am going to have a busy summer full of Baskin Robin samples, beach days, and many random things. Together, my cousin and i have created a list that includes 52 and counting things to do over the summer from TPing someone's house to movie hopping. We call it our Summer Bucket list and i plan to post pictures every time something is accomplished to share with you our summer! Some of my ideas came from another blog called gone with the summer and you should definitely visit it and possibly make your own!


Sunday afternoons

Sunday afternoons... yet another with nothing to do but unfinished homework and surf the web.