
Still Wednesday...

huhh... today has gone by really slow. and it hasn't been one of my best. i took the CST algebra 1 test for three hours in one classroom, talk about boredom! then i went to 4th period an did more algebra 1 and that completely fried my brain. then i went to fifth period and worked on a mothers day thing because my teacher was kind enough to realize we had been working all day long and were really tired. finally i went to sixth period, PE! it was gruesomely hot and unlike the boys who stayed inside and played volleyball, all us girls had to run a lap and then play basketball, handball, or walk the track. when school is finally over we are walking to the buses where i figure out i have left my phone in 5th period and won't be able to get it back till tomorrow unless someone took it out of the desk. when i get on the bus i am sweating like crazy and it was disgusting! then i get home after two long bus rides and i am locked out, i was supposed to go to my cousins house but i lost my phone so i didn't get the text that said i was supposed to. so i spend 2 hours at the neighbors which was probably the best part of my day because i got to hang out with one of the cutest 7 month year olds ever!

well i hope everyones day was a whole lot better than mine. talk to you soon.

                      peace and love,

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