
Last Day of School

 Now I know summer has already started and we are now 5 days in...

but my camera died and I haven't been able to charge it since Friday...

So here are some pictures,

From the last day of school...


(Megan should be a model:))

Fooling around!

On the bus. 

Emily and Brittany!  

Me, Emily, and Tyler way back there!

:D big grin:)) laughing

Mariah hates having her pictures taken!


# 15: Eat 1,000 Popsicles

The first day of summer has finally arrived, my cousin and I couldn't wait to get started! So we started with an easy one, eat 1,000 popsicles! 2 down, 998 to go!

School's Out

Summer is finally here! 

Bucket List... here we come!



1. Beautiful places 2. Cute sayings 3. Amazing dancers 4. Hammocks 5. Hearts: no matter what they are made of. 6. Sporty dogs 7. Cute Pick-up-lines 8. Waves of sunshine



hey everyone! Its been quite a while! I have been following this blog and have actually sorta changed mine to look like hers. I have also lost many viewers:(. i hope i am not boring you with my pictures! nobody has told me anything to talk about so i thought my blog was boring so i changed it by having pictures instead of words. (i don't think it really worked) well, i love blogging and writing so please! give me some ideas! thanks! <3

- cheyenne smith<3

Facts for today:
1. Some toothpaste's contain antifreeze
2. Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.
3. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand
4. The average American drinks about 600 sodas a year.


Bits and Pieces of Today

Yearbooks! Just one day closer to summer.

Legos! Boredom can lead to anything.

Doodling about the days to come!
And endlessly laughing with my bro's!
(even if we look terrible):)

Stuffed With Fluff

Looks so soft!


Things I love to do

 Make heart stamps out of random things. . .
. . .like pencil erasers!

Color like a little kid again
even if that means coloring outside the lines!

Take my little friend for a walk. . .
. . .in the backyard 

Read the latest novel

Send messages through rocks


Leave flowers at a friend's doorstep to brighten their day

And leave hearts in places for people to find. . .